Book Review: The Chronicles of Narnia (2): The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis)

The Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia | Image Souce: Flickr
After several years in the myth world of Narnia, Digory is now an old professor in our own world. Narnia is now facing evil curse from the witch that Digory brought to that world the day it was created.

The apple tree of Narnia, which Digory planted in our world, has been destroyed and he used the wood to make a wardrobe and left it in one of his numerous rooms in his villa.

The adventure to Narnia began again after four children – Lucy, Suzy, Edward and Peter – came on holiday and found themselves in the wardrobe… the wardrobe happened to be a doorway to the Narnian land…

The children were surprised to find out that the fate of Narnia depends on them… But something else happened – Edward was hiding something and his selfishness caused him his friendship with his brother and sisters…

This novel is the second part of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis.

When I finished reading it, I asked a question: What happened to the first kings and queens of Narnia? And why is it that the four children had to come back to Narnia to take the throne? I asked these questions because the author did not tell us what happened to the “crown heads” that were ruling the four kingdoms.

I further asked whether they abandoned their throne and came back to their own world (our world) or perhaps the white witch has killed them…

Personally, I don’t read two books by the same author back-to-back. I always try to read another book by another author; but all these questions made me to went further to read the next parts of the story: The Chronicles of Narnia (3): The Horse and His Boy. (It will be published in my next review).

Anyway, it is an interesting adventure novel that glue you down to the very last page.

It was a good read!

**** The adventure continues – My next reading: The Chronicles of Narnia -  The Horse and His Boy

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